Updated May 2015 With new foaling news, photos and videos ongoing.
We have included some very helpful and informative pages in our site. Please click on the links below to view.
Fairytail Miniature Shetlands 	Special beautiful tiny loveable friendly and intelligent horses
New Born Miniature Foals Playing
Janette and Selwyn of the Fairytail Stud have bred these lovely tiny horses for more than twenty five years. We have learned many things along the way and now feel that we are able to share our experiences and knowledge with others. This web site is designed to give everyone the total knowledge to be able to look after and enjoy these wonderful little friends. Our aim has always been to breed small ponies whilst still keeping the quality, bone and especially the lovely kind and gentle temperament. We have specialized in trying to breed Homozygous TT ponies which means that they are guaranteed to breed coloured foals even from plain coloured partners. Please see the Tobiano page. We first did that, 100%  proven with all of our coloured foals from 2010 onwards. If you wish too or have ever experienced the very different quiet, gentle and more intelligent nature of coloured horses and ponies then this site is for you. A long time ago, the North American Indian’s realized that coloured horses and ponies could be more easily trained than the black, bay and chestnut horses, so they bred coloured horses for many years and enjoyed a successful and happy life with their intelligent and equine friends. Coloured horses have been frowned on since then for the wrong reason, they were linked to the baddies in the old cowboy films being ridden by the north American Indians. Later Gipsy,s and travelling people also realized that these types of horses can actually be slightly more intelligent and very placid. They found them to be better suited to human life, coloured ponies fitted in well with the family and were treated accordingly. You could chuck a child on bare back and the horse would not do anything wrong. Many people will disagree with our findings which is fine, but we have had up to 110 ponies at one time of mixed colour and we found that the coloured ponies were always the best “pets”, with a natural friendliness to us humans and more suited to our ways.
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